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Transfer, Assembly & Production Line Reservations

5. Transfer, Assembly & Production Line Reservations

Please check whether the setup is done according to the picture below to get the correct result for these types of documents: The option Always is selected.

Transfer Assembly Pro-Line-Reservation


For BC18: Multi-level adjustment of the dates from the Assembly Line to the Assembly Header is not yet implemented. This will result in the message below. For now, it is best practice to set Reserve Assembly Order to Never or Optionable. This will be implemented in BC19.

Transfer Assembly Pro-Line-Reservation

Scenario 5.1: See scenarios from chapter 1.

If you check the earlier scenarios, you will notice that that the functionality responds the same way in the various types of documents. So, in the chapter the scenarios will not be described again since the functionality works identically as shown in the earlier chapters.

Last update: April 23, 2024