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Changelog (2024-08-20) (2024-08-16)

  • Fix: dialog parameter error on completing setup (2024-05-04)

  • Set correct field when validating Production Order Line from Ending Date to Ending Date-Time (2024-04-12)

  • Change Access from Internal to Public for procedures to calculate Reservation Statuses (2024-03-15)

  • Added Complete Installation data update option after setup before activating Reservation Rescheduler (2024-03-08)

  • Fix: Error record cannot be saved on Sales Header delete from Sales Order Page (2024-02-26)

  • Added feature: Advanced Due Date Control for Assembly and Production
  • Updated error message when Creating Purch. Code required Purchase Orders when no Buy-from Vendor No. is found.
  • Updated NL-NL translations for Creating Purch. Code required Purchase Orders
  • Optimize update of Reservation State of Sales Header on delete of Sales Line (2024-01-24)

Fix error that occurs when using Get Shipment Lines on a Sales Invoice from a Posted Sales Shipment that concerns a Drop Shipment. (2023-12-14)

  • Optimized handling of negative reservations (2023-11-23)

  • Added feature: Reservation Terms
  • Added feature: Production Order Lines page
  • Expanded Show Sales Order subpage with option to show/hide totals
  • Added Permission Sets tab to the Reservation Rescheduler Setup Wizard page, and automatically prompt to start the setup wizard after installation of the extension (2023-11-16)

  • Changed Access property of table WSB_RSRSourceStamp from Internal to Public (2023-08-14)

  • Added feature: Reservation Insights with
    • Sales Order subpage including Reservations
    • A Reservation Status on the document headers
    • Previous date indicator available on the document headers
    • Demand confirmed indicator on the document header and lines
  • Implemented new version notification
  • Set several functions public
  • Add page that lists reservation colors and their meaning
  • Added permission sets for manager and user
  • Expanded telemetry insights (2023-02-27)

  • Add Reservation State to page Sales Lines
  • Add Reservation State to page Job Planning Lines
  • Fix for create Purchase Order per Vendor from Create Purchase Code required Purchase Orders (2023-02-14)

  • Additional fix in install/upgrade code

1.12.0. (2023-02-07 )

Fix in upgrade code (2023-02-02)

  • Purchase Code purchase Quantity changeability feature
  • Fix: Purchline Validate No clears sourcestamp + code cleanup
  • Revision Purchase Code handling to reduce reservation conflicts when no Special
  • Order nor Drop Shipment is set on the Purchasing Code (2022-11-29)

  • Field 'WSB_ReserveRSR' is marked for removal on Item & Item Inventory factbox due to new std. BC field "Reserved Qty. on Inventory"
  • Removed double field “Reserve” in Sales Order subform (2022-11-25)

  • Fix Onvalidate trigger wgFncAsmHeaderValidatePromisedDueDate
  • Sync quantities between Purchasing Code linked Purchase & Sales Lines from Purchase Line
  • Optimize “Create Purchase Order from Purchasing Code”
  • Added index WSB_SourceStampRSR on Item Ledger Entries (2022-08-25 )

  • Added previous shipment/due date indicator on document headers (2022-08-23 )

  • Fix creating drop shipment Purchase Orders from Requisition Worksheet with multiple lines (2022-04-07 )

  • Added Document Creator layouts as extension-provided report layouts.
  • Added Setup Wizard to search & Apportunix rolecenter
  • Added missing caption for ‘Reservation Rescheduler’ product
  • Updated Dutch translations
  • Removed subpages from search
  • Moved to AL permission sets
  • Updated orange color indicator to a more distinctive orange color Misc. maintenance (2021-10-14 )

  • Initial released version

Last update: August 19, 2024