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Sales Order & Assembly Reservations

2. Sales Order & Assembly Reservations

Scenario 2.1: Item with Assembly BOM, No Inventory

An item with assembly BOM (assembly-to-order) where no stock is available is selected on a Sales Order. The value of the field Reservation Status on the Sales Order line is Red with assembly bitmap: Sales Order Reservations

That means that for all assembly order line of the created Assembly order no inventory is available.

Sales Order Reservations

Scenario 2.2: Item with Assembly BOM, Sales Order Line, Purchase Order

An item with assembly BOM where no stock is available is selected on a Sales Order. A Purchase order for the items on the Assembly order is created.

The Reservation update functionality has run, the choice to include the Assembly lines is activated.

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

The value of the field Reservation Status on the Sales Order line is now Orange with assembly bitmap: Sales Order Assembly Reservations

That means that for all assembly order lines of the created Assembly order lines a purchase order is created.

If a line of the Purchase Order is received showing on the sales order line: The value of the field Reservation Status on the Sales Order line is now Orange with Green the corner with assembly bitmap: Sales Order Assembly Reservations

What is shown on the assembly order lines:

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

First and second line are not received yet, but still on a Purchase order. The third line is received.

Scenario 2.3: Item with Assembly BOM on Sales Order Line, Inventory Available

An item with assembly BOM is selected on a Sales Order, for all items on assembly order lines inventory is available. The Reservation update functionality has run, the possibility to include the Assembly lines is activated. So, for scenario 2.2 we receive all lines of the Purchase order, the Reservation update is not run.

Sales order:

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

The assembly order:

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

Scenario 2.4: Item with Assembly BOM on Sales Order Line, Purchase Order Receipt Date Shifted

An item with assembly BOM where no stock is available is selected on a Sales Order. A Purchase order for the items on the Assembly order is created. The Reservation update functionality has run, the possibility to include the Assembly lines is activated. Like in Scenario 1.6, the shipment dates are shifted, and the Previous Shipment date is filled.

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

Scenario 2.5: Item with Assembly BOM on Sales Order Line, Inventory & Purchase Order

An item with assembly BOM where no stock is available is selected on a Sales Order. The value of the field Reservation Status on the Sales Order line is now Orange with Green the corner with assembly bitmap: alt text

That means that a Purchase order is created for the created Assembly order lines that have no inventory available, and for one or more lines Inventory is available.

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

Scenario 2.6: Item with Assembly BOM, Assembly Items w/ Inventory

An item with assembly BOM where no stock is available is selected on a Sales Order. The value of the field Reservation Status on the Sales Order line is now Green with assembly bitmap: alt text

That means that for the created Assembly order lines inventory is available.

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

Scenario 2.7: Stock available in PO for Item, Assembly Order Due Date move forward, run Reservation Update Report, Shipment Date Sales Order move forward

An item with assembly BOM where no stock is available is selected on a Sales Order and a Purchase Order for the items on the assembly order is already available. Run report Reservation Update:

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

Depending on which functionality and modules used you can set various filters on several types of documents. For this example, the settings shown are enough. The report can be run. Prior to running the report value shown in field Reservation status was red. Situation after running the report:

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

Now the Reservation Status field is updated to orange, indicating there is inventory on the way. Scrolling to the dates area of the Sales Order Line:

Sales Order Assembly Reservations

Field Shipment date is updated according to due date in the assembly order line, showing in red, indicating that the value has been changed. The field Previous Shipment date is showing the former Shipment date. Now the reservations have been created, changing the Receipt date on the Purchase Order Line will automatically update the Shipment Date on the related document lines, in this case the Sales Order Line.

Last update: August 19, 2024